Pomegranate crop in our area call Punica granatum L. (in English pomegranate) is a bush plant that can reach 6 feet tall. Stems have many branches and thorns. Red or white flowers. There is also a purple black. These flowers emerge from the armpit leaves and developed into an exotic fruit that hang from tree branches. Form of fruit such as apples, with a crown of calyx or become his trademark. Red flowering pomegranate pomegranate will produce red meat. The fruit of white flowers, white flesh; if the purple flowers flesh would be purple.
At the ripe fruit hidden hundreds of seeds covered with white translucent pulp that is red, white or purple according to type. This pulp contains a lot of water, a sweet-sour taste to sweet-fresh. In the Middle East and India pomegranate seeds are often sprinkled over dishes as a garnish (food decoration).
Taken from Persian
Pomegranates are native Persian and Himalayan regions in South India. According to the story, called pharaoh Tuthmosis took him to Egypt in 1500 BC from Asia. Then spread to Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. These plants can be up to other countries because the traders brought from Persia in the year 1416. For centuries pomegranates used as a symbol of fertility in many religions and cultures.
Most people know the pomegranate as an attractive form of fruit, so often presented in the table to be eaten fresh, without regard to its benefits. according to experts ripe fruit contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Vitamin C (11 mg/100g) and acid malate (malic acid) was higher than that of apples, pears or bananas. Malate acid is useful to facilitate the metabolism of carbohydrates.
More special pomegranate, almost all parts of the plant can be used for treatment. Besides the fruit, which is also a lot of drugs were made as part of the fruit skin, bark, and roots. Also, pomegranate seeds, leaves and flowers have been used as medicine by the various nations and cultures for various purposes.
According to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, pomegranate seeds that have anti-inflammatory properties as anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to cope with arthritis. Pomegranate flowers are used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums. And for those who have problems with obesity (obesity), part of this plant can be used as an alternative to overcome. Once the skin is also the root of merit can be used to treat diarrhea, recurrent fever, discharge, and the problem of sweat that too much. Sore throat can be treated by rinsing with water boiled pomegranate root bark.
The experts, pomegranate fame is as a sovereign remedy to treat various digestive disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery. This is because the high tannin content and has efficacy astringen, shrink the mucous membranes of the intestine so that less discharge diarrhea. While at its root alkaloids pelletierine helps remove tapeworms and roundworms from the intestines.
Benefits of pomegranate as a remedy is not based on the experience of traditional medicine. Several scientific studies have proven the benefits of this plant. Research shows that the extract contained in the skin of the pomegranate is a compound that can fight bacteria that cause diarrhea. Other studies indicate that compounds contained in pomegranates can block the root Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amoebic dysentery. While the known compounds capable of fighting not only tapeworm tannins, but also two alkaloida Piperidine compounds present in pomegranate bark, which is pelletierine and pseudopelletierine.
Recent studies reported that pomegranate can be used as an anti-diabetic medication or diabetes mellitus. Pomegranate juice has been fermented and oil derived from pomegranate seeds are also known as an antioxidant active and equivalent to green tea.
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