
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2014


Air laut terasa asin karena terdapat larutan garam di dalamnya, lalu darimana asal larutan garam yang membuat air laut itu menjadi asin? Sebelumnya perlu di ketahui bahwa bumi mempunyai kadar garam mineral yang sebagian besar terkandung pada tanah dan bebatuan, nah ketika hujan kadar garam ikut terkikis dan larut kedalam air, begitu juga aliran sungai juga bisa membawa kadar garam tersebut. Nah air yang mengandung kadar garam tersebut terus mengalir ke laut dan tertimbun disana.

Semakin lama semakin banyak kadar garam yang tertimbun didalam laut atau samudera. Selain itu selalu terjadi penguapan air laut, kalian tahukan bahwa yang menguap adalah H2O nya saja dalam artian kadar garamnya tidak ikut menguap, sehingga kadar garam semakin banyak yang tertimbun dalam air laut. Nah itulah yang menyebabkan air laut menjadi asin.

Mungkin ada yang bertanya mengapa air hujan atau air sungai tidak asin? jawabannya ya tentu saja tidak karena kadar garam dalam air sungai tersEbut masih sedikit dan tentu saja tidak terasa.

Perlu di ketahui juga bahwa daerah yang mempunyai panas yang tinggi akan mempunyai laut yang mempunyai kadar garam yang tinggi, karena potensi penguapan akan lebih besar didaerah yang panas sehingga akan menyebabkan kadar garam yang tinggi yang tertinggal dalam air laut.

Garam dapur sebagian besar berasal dari daerah daerah pesisir  yang  panas, para petani garam membuat tambak yang berupa petak petak sempit untuk menjebak air laut yang pasang. Setelah terkena terik matahari air laut yang terjebak tadi mengendap dan para petani mengeruk endapan garam yang tertinggal tersebut dan memjadikannya garam dapur.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Selamatkan Pohon

Selamatkan pohon, mengurangi pemakaian kertas .....

Survei dari 7 pohon yang ditebang setiap tahun, untuk membuat Tissue.

jika seseorang memakai enam tissue per hari, sama seperti 2200 Tissue yang digunakan dalam satu tahun.

Jika kita mengurangi penggunaan tissue 1 hari, maka 430 juta kg limbah kertas berkurang.

Hasil alam yang telah digunakan kepada kita:

- 6 pohon per tahun untuk tissue satu keluarga
- 1 pohon untuk 6 rim kertas A4
- 1 pohon untuk membuat kertas, jika ditimbang sebanyak 54 kg kertas

Proses Pembusukan :
  1.  Lebih dari 12 Tahun untuk pembusukan alami Filter Rokok
  2.  10 - 12 Tahun untuk pembusukan alami Plastik
  3.  Lebih 100 Tahun Stiryng Foam Cups (Mangkuk Pop Mie)
  4.  50 - 100 Tahun untuk kemasan Alumunium dan Kertas Timah
  5.  450 Tahun untuk kaleng soda Alumunium
  6.  500-800 Tahun untuk Diapers dan Keramik Saniter/Toilet
maka kita harus mengurangi, menggunakan kembali dan mendaur ulang agar bencana dapat dihindari.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Proximity Detection You and Him Through Photos

Body contact, or no gap distance between you and him
As a basic rule, the closer the distance you are, the more closely you and he's romanticism. However, a little distance does not mean you and he's already on the verge of divorce. This could mean that you and she equally uphold independence.

The same view direction
This means that you and your spouse have the same wavelength. Focusing on a different point may mean that you or your spouse is being distracted his focus, or are having a hard time (maybe even heading into different directions as a couple).

Leaning away
This is a sign of danger that is leaning against the outer frame is uncomfortable with her partner. Of course this does not apply if the candid photos taken in nature, such as dancing on the dance floor.

Looked at each other
Looked at each other, not seeing the camera, meaning you and she's very, very comfortable with one another.

Most Sincere smile looks wide from end to end, and a wide top to bottom are at the end of distance, making the teeth and Gums look a little. Maybe hearing scary, but most broad smile indicates most Sincere smile. Pls ESPECIALLY the muscles in the eye and forehead area contributed to Standard and Poor Also a smile.

Where are your hands? If your hand and she touched each other, meaning, you and your partner is the demonstrative type. Most likely, you and the he never showed physical affection in public places light . Or your hand or a superimposed each other for a moment in her partner's body? If yes, does it mean, you and he rarely showed affection in public, but enough to have a strong relationship in the bedroom. Holding or pulling hard to one another indicates a possessive relationship. While the hands are inserted into the pocket means is a very private person and is being kept secret.

However, keep in mind, body language does not mean absolute on you and your spouse. This detection as a recreational nature, not as a determinant of your relationship and your partner.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gathering Dyke & Gay Invaded, Guest Hotel Fear

The atmosphere was still tense at the Hotel Oval. The residents claimed the hotel after a group of people fear that the Congress fail to lesbian, gay and biseks in the hotel. The visitors did not dare go out for fear of being mistaken for participants ILGA.

"I felt disturbed. It was not comfortable anymore. Want to go out do not dare because of strict examination," said Dina Yunita one hotel guest who was following the Workshop Water Supply, Sanitation Community Based Health Ministry held to, Friday ( 26/3/2010).
Dina reveals to avoid the accusation as participants ILGA him carrying a bag that reads Pamsimas workshop. "We have the above workshop. We do not concentrate on following the workshop because shouts came from our meeting room," he said.

Likewise It said other hotel guests who named Fritje Linggar. "We are also afraid of such movement. I think there was a bomb," said women from Monokwari, Papua.

viewed in the field, the mass of the more FUI. Some are in hotels and some are outside the hotel. They remained in stages until the ILGA conference participants left the site.

ILGA plan Congress was held in Surabaya on 26-28 March at the Hotel Mercure. But because of the refusal of the organization, the event was postponed until the time limit was specified. The police alone can not give permission for the organization. But it is still going on the show and packed in gatherings.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Protected From Disease Forgotten by Many of Reading

Reading is an activity that brings many benefits for the reading of our knowledge will increase. Whether it is knowledge related to science or just news or information. In addition, according to experts with a lot of reading, we are released from the brain disease. Researchers proved that by reading a book someone will be spared from the disease "Dementia". Dementia is a disease that damages the brain. When exposed to dementia, can be sure someone will be difficult to avoid from being forgotten. This happens because the reading can create a kind of buffer layer that protects the brain changes and change. 

Read new words can stimulate the brain, because the brain likes to challenge and new things. Reading is a challenging activity and always bring someone to enter new territory.

Recognized or not, a lot of smart and intelligent people because of diligent reading. Reading also can make people more mature. Adults here means having a mindset that no longer childish. By reading, one can look at every problem of life not as a burden, but the challenges that must be resolved. Problems in life are seen not only from one side, but from different sides. People who look at problems from different sides of life is usually more prudent to live a life.

One doctor from a state writing 10 benefit reading:

1. When busy reading, someone blocked entry into stupidity
2. The habit of reading to people too busy to connect with the people lazy and do not want to work
3. With frequent reading, one can develop flexibility and fluency in spoken
4. Reading helps develop thinking and clear thinking
5. Reading increases a person's knowledge and improve understanding of memory in
6. By reading a person can often benefit from the experience of others, such as copying the wisdom of the wise and the intelligence of the scholars
7. With a lot of reading, one can develop his abilities, both to receive and process knowledge as well as to study the various disciplines and their applications in life
8. Will increase one's beliefs when he read the books useful
9. Reading helps a person to refresh his mind from the hassle and save time so as not in vain, with frequent reading, one can master a lot of words and sentences to learn the various models
10. Furthermore, it can increase its ability to absorb concepts and to understand what is written on the line by line (to understand what is implied).

Of several explanations above, we can draw the conclusion that the habit of always reading will bring huge benefits. Not only for ourselves, but also for other people but we want to share knowledge with them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chocolate for Health Benefits

Chocolate that contains cocoa (cocoa beans) more than 70% also have benefits for health, because chocolate is rich in antioxidant content of phenols and flavonoids. With antioxidants, will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of this antioxidant content even 3 times more than green tea, beverages have often regarded as a source of antioxidants.

With antioxidants, making chocolate into a health drink. Phenol, as an antioxidant capable of reducing cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack are also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood. In addition to the brown fat content of high quality free cholesterol and clog arteries.

Chocolate also contains some vitamins which are beneficial to the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients that are essential to the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa itself is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person magnesium deficiency, can cause hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems of women monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.

Brown to Blonde Passion Sex and Love
The reason why many people give chocolate to someone dear is that chocolate is often considered a food of love. This is because chocolate has a soft texture and will melt slowly in your mouth when dikulum. This gives the impression sensual for those who eat them. In addition, the effects of chocolate can provide a comfortable, relaxed and can increase sexual arousal.

Posed comfort after enjoying chocolate is not just feeling it, because chocolate contains a substance that enables hundreds of chemical reactions in the brain. These substances that stimulate active serotonin in the brain which in turn will trigger a feeling of comfort. In addition, most substances contained in chocolate is theobromine which can stimulate the nerves and heart tissue that makes us awake and excited. This effect can also be obtained from the caffeine in coffee or tea. Another benefit of theobromine was able to relieve cough.

Also contains Phenylethylamine which helps the absorption of the brain and produce dopamine which will lead to feelings of joy, increased interest and can lead to feelings of falling in love. That's another reason why chocolate is often given as a gift of love.

Most Healthy Chocolate Types

Many types of chocolate are available in the market. There's the expensive, some are cheap. What are the differences? Here is a comparison of brown and benefits of each.
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate contain cocoa beans (cocoa) is highest for at least 70% containing cocoa. Dark chocolate has a cocoa content of chocolate and nut
White Chocolate

While white chocolate has only 33% contain chocolate or cocoa, the rest is sugar, milk and vanilla. This sugar content which can give negative effects, such as tooth decay and diabetes.

Chocolate Milk or Chocolate Milk
Milk chocolate or milk chocolate is cocoa mixed with milk and sugar added. This type of chocolate is also very popular because it tastes delicious.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 minutes to live healthy

For hours we spend time to all daily routines. Starting from work, exercising or even just to chat with relatives. But have you ever spend some time at least 10 minutes to live healthy?

Wherever you are in any condition you never forget to drink water. At least you will need 6 cups a day. Remember, tea and coffee can make you dehydrated. If you look wistful or not fresh in the morning that your sign of dehydration.

Tomatoes in all a very good preparation for the anti-oxidants. Tomatoes can help you fight cancer. If you do not like raw tomatoes, tomato sauce or paste has the same effect healthy.

Do not miss your breakfast. Breakfast and start your day with a healthy start. No need of food heavy. Quite a fast-food and healthy as yogurt, bread fruit, too.

Wash your hands:
Some many viruses move through your hands. The elevator button, the telephone, computers and much more. As often as possible away from the virus by hand washing. Do not forget to also wash their hands after the toilet.

Brush your teeth:
Minimal brush your teeth 2 times a day. This can prevent dental disease. Make this a habit.

Drink multivitamin:
Occasionally you may use a multivitamin. But of course the result was compared to the maximum extent you consume fresh fruits.

Try not to smoke:
Much pleasure in itself which can be from cigarettes. but think about your health carefully. leave cigarettes could have a big impact on your health.

with good driving and seat belts:
motorcycle accident is still a high figure. Do not forget the seat belt. guard your safety while driving on the road. seat belt should be a habit.

choose the steps:
as an exercise, choose the stairs instead, use the elevator. if you are using 22 floors up the stairs to 3 or 4 floors.

Breathe in deeply:
do this regularly and you can reduce stress levels. otherwise your body will be refreshed with a more oxygen.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prima Appear Throughout The Day

we work all day, often not even start in the morning until evening and sometimes our holiday to stay at work. no need to worry
, because our bodies are designed perfectly by God to work, building a world best for the welfare of us and future generations.

and the mood is always up and down physically. , even so, working a full day with heart and physically fit is always fun. while, working with the mind with the body that do not fit very unpleasant.
The following are some tips you can try to find the soul body fitness throughout the day:

  1. opened the day with a sheet of positive thinking
  2. do moderate exercise
  3. do not forget breakfast with sufficiently
  4. manage your day events as well as possible
  5. stamina guard
  6. adequate rest
  7. find joy in every situation
  8. finish work in the office of office
  9. ends meet your sleep needs
  10. and the last is to pray and give thanks

Friday, November 20, 2009


For each couple kissing men and women is one thing that is very pleasant. Karen, merging of the lips and tongue, usually a marker close ties between men and women.
Based on the quote that was launched from the Woman Health, kissing it helps you choose the best man?. Really? Yuk, consider the following explanation:

1. Kissing Pushing Immunity
The study reported in the journal Medical Hypotheses say that kissing a woman can enhance immunity from Cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus (is part of the TORCH), is transmitted through mouth to mouth contact, can cause blindness in infants and other birth defects if the mother infected during pregnancy.
However, this virus is not harmful to adults. Kissing has long predicted that the virus can continue, and strengthens the immune system.

2. Kissing Help You Select the Best Man.
How? This match is expressed by Helen Fisher, an anthropologist, who described the kiss as 'a man of assessment tools'. Most of the outer layer of the brain is able to capture the sensation of around lips, cheeks, tongue, and nose.
A total of 5 of the 12 cranial nerve head retrieve data from around the mouth, for the most sensitive feeling, such as taste, smell, and touch. When you kiss someone, do not you can see, feel, and listen to her feelings?

So, kissing is not just a kiss. Kissing, according to Fisher, is an 'ad' in-depth about who you are, what you want, and what you can give.

3. Kissing Making Face Muscles Strong
Do not underestimate the training gained through the mouth kissing session. The researchers say that we use 30 muscles when kissing, and it makes her cheeks tight.

4. Kissing Make You relax.
The research says kissing increasing levels of oxytocin, hormones that soothe the body, and also increases endorphins, hormones that give pleasure. Exchanging saliva is also reported to increase dopamine, a hormone that gives a romantic feeling.

5. Kissing Burning Calories
The results reported are diverse, but the number of calories burned per minute between 2-6 calories. When compared to jogging on a treadmill or running around the complex. Imagine if you do have sex sessions while continuing to kiss.