
Friday, December 24, 2010

Selamatkan Pohon

Selamatkan pohon, mengurangi pemakaian kertas .....

Survei dari 7 pohon yang ditebang setiap tahun, untuk membuat Tissue.

jika seseorang memakai enam tissue per hari, sama seperti 2200 Tissue yang digunakan dalam satu tahun.

Jika kita mengurangi penggunaan tissue 1 hari, maka 430 juta kg limbah kertas berkurang.

Hasil alam yang telah digunakan kepada kita:

- 6 pohon per tahun untuk tissue satu keluarga
- 1 pohon untuk 6 rim kertas A4
- 1 pohon untuk membuat kertas, jika ditimbang sebanyak 54 kg kertas

Proses Pembusukan :
  1.  Lebih dari 12 Tahun untuk pembusukan alami Filter Rokok
  2.  10 - 12 Tahun untuk pembusukan alami Plastik
  3.  Lebih 100 Tahun Stiryng Foam Cups (Mangkuk Pop Mie)
  4.  50 - 100 Tahun untuk kemasan Alumunium dan Kertas Timah
  5.  450 Tahun untuk kaleng soda Alumunium
  6.  500-800 Tahun untuk Diapers dan Keramik Saniter/Toilet
maka kita harus mengurangi, menggunakan kembali dan mendaur ulang agar bencana dapat dihindari.

Lirik Lagu Ungu Percaya Padaku

aku tak tahu apa yang ku rasakan
dalam hatiku saat pertama kali
lihat dirimu, melihatmu

seluruh tubuhku terpaku dan membisu
detak jantungku berdebar tak menentu
sepertinya aku tak ingin berlalu

berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku

ku berikan cintaku juga sayangku
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku

saat ku tahu kau akan pergi jauh
izinkan aku tuk selalu menantimu
untuk katakan ku ingin dirimu (ingin dirimu)

agar kau tahu betapa ku terlalu
mencintaimu aku akan menunggu
hingga dirimu kembali untukku

repeat reff

tolonglah aku bagaimana diriku
ungkapkan itu rasa yang membelenggu
dalam hatiku ku cinta padamu

repeat reff

berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


 Pangandaran is a small town and a subdistrict in southern Ciamis regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is located on the southern coast of Java. Pangandaran is a popular tourist destination, having a beach which is considered to be one of the finest in Java and which offers excellent surfing.
A kite-flying festival is held on the beach in July and August. It is reported that the locals used to fly kites in the evenings to catch bats, and may still do so. There is a local belief that wearing any green garment in this area will anger Loro Kidul, the Javanese guardian spirit or goddess of the southern sea, and will bring misfortune.

The Penanjung Pangandaran nature reserve is nearby on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow neck of land. About eighty percent of the nature reserve is secondary rainforest. The flora of the nature reserve includes the Rafflesia.

A tsunami hit the area on 17 July 2006. An undersea earthquake measured at 7.7 on the Richter scale triggered a three metre high tidal wave. Extensive damage was caused and hundreds of people were reported to be dead or missing

Pangandaran is a Tourist Location in West Java, Indonesia. Pangandaran is Family friendly and has also for individual Tourists much to offer. In the Bay Area Pananjung are two beautiful Beaches for swimming, surfing or just relaxing. Here you have much Activities and Adventures like Trekking, Snorkeling, Fishing and many more..

The National Park
On the southside From Pangandaran is a National Park mostly as Jungle. You can Walk there with a Guide to the beautiful Waterfalls and enjoy the flora and fauna. Or by a 1 day Trip around the Park

Batu Karas
Batu Karas is a little Village 1 hour away from Pangandaran. It's famous for Surfing there.

Batu Hiu
Batu Hiu is a Place between Pangandaran and Batu Karas. Batu Hiu means Shark's Rock wich is a coastal rock having the shape of a shark. It's nice for relaxing there or swimming at the Beach.

Green Canyon
The best Way to go to the Green Canyon is with a Guide or by Rent a Motorbyke. At a Boat Station are many Boats who drive to the Green Canyon. After 45 Minutes Boat drive over a nice River you are there. There is also the chance to swimming in the Green Canyon.

Getting Here
Pangandaran is locatet at the Southcoast from West Java, Indonesia in the District Ciamis. See the Descriptions above and the Map for further Information.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Suka Makanan Manis, Kolesterol Bisa Naik

Konsumsi gula berlebih selama ini identik dengan kegemukan, diabetes, dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Riset terbaru membuktikan, terlalu banyak mengonsumsi gula ternyata memengaruhi kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dalam tubuh.
Miriam Vos, MD, dan koleganya dari Atlanta Emory University meneliti kaitan antara tingginya asupan gula tambahan pada orang-orang Amerika dan kontribusinya pada tingginya kolesterol. Gula tambahan adalah pemanis berkalori yang biasa dipakai dalam makanan, seperti cokelat, cake, atau es krim. Selain sebagai penambah kalori dan pemberi rasa manis, tidak ada tambahan gizi lain dari gula jenis ini.

Responden dalam penelitian yang mengonsumsi gula tambahan paling banyak ternyata memiliki kadar kolesterol jahat paling tinggi dan kadar trigliserida paling tinggi. Sebaliknya dengan orang yang mengonsumsi gula paling sedikit, kadar kolesterol baiknya tinggi dan trigliserida yang rendah.
Menurut panduan yang dikeluarkan Asosiasi Jantung Amerika, tambahan gula yang direkomendasikan setiap hari tidak boleh lebih dari 100 kalori (setara 6 sendok teh) untuk wanita dan 150 kalori (9 sendok teh) untuk pria.

Miriam menemukan, selama beberapa dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan konsumsi gula pada penduduk Amerika atau rata-rata mereka mengonsumsi 360 kalori. Menurut pakar nutrisi dari University of Vermont, AS, profesor Rachel K Johnson, PhD, hanya segelintir orang Amerika yang mematuhi standar asupan gula per hari.

Sebenarnya, gula dijumpai secara alami pada beberapa makanan, seperti kismis dan kurma. Gula dalam buah disebut dengan fruktosa. Yang dimaksud gula tambahan adalah sukrosa (gula pasir) dan pemanis buatan lainnya. Gula jenis ini sering tersembunyi di dalam makanan.

Untuk mengukur asupan gula yang kita konsumsi, Johnson menyarankan agar kita memperhatian label yang tercantum dalam kemasan makanan atau minuman. "Bila dalam label terdapat kata 'sirup', sukrosa, fruktosa, dan dextrose, itu adalah pemanis tambahan," katanya.

Cara terbaik untuk membatasi konsumsi pemanis tambahan adalah dengan mengurangi konsumsi minuman, bukan cuma softdrink melainkan juga jus buah dan minuman sport yang banyak mengandung gula.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Proximity Detection You and Him Through Photos

Body contact, or no gap distance between you and him
As a basic rule, the closer the distance you are, the more closely you and he's romanticism. However, a little distance does not mean you and he's already on the verge of divorce. This could mean that you and she equally uphold independence.

The same view direction
This means that you and your spouse have the same wavelength. Focusing on a different point may mean that you or your spouse is being distracted his focus, or are having a hard time (maybe even heading into different directions as a couple).

Leaning away
This is a sign of danger that is leaning against the outer frame is uncomfortable with her partner. Of course this does not apply if the candid photos taken in nature, such as dancing on the dance floor.

Looked at each other
Looked at each other, not seeing the camera, meaning you and she's very, very comfortable with one another.

Most Sincere smile looks wide from end to end, and a wide top to bottom are at the end of distance, making the teeth and Gums look a little. Maybe hearing scary, but most broad smile indicates most Sincere smile. Pls ESPECIALLY the muscles in the eye and forehead area contributed to Standard and Poor Also a smile.

Where are your hands? If your hand and she touched each other, meaning, you and your partner is the demonstrative type. Most likely, you and the he never showed physical affection in public places light . Or your hand or a superimposed each other for a moment in her partner's body? If yes, does it mean, you and he rarely showed affection in public, but enough to have a strong relationship in the bedroom. Holding or pulling hard to one another indicates a possessive relationship. While the hands are inserted into the pocket means is a very private person and is being kept secret.

However, keep in mind, body language does not mean absolute on you and your spouse. This detection as a recreational nature, not as a determinant of your relationship and your partner.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Disease Expression Imbalance

Why do we have a body? We are alive to feel and express themselves. Negative feelings that can not be expressed in terms of physical look, a variety of diseases, ranging from common cold to cancer.

Illness teaches us about the balance and change, how our lives have no balance. Also informed that the changes we need to make, change mindset in order to recover the balance. The disease is a learning experience. Mean disease teaches us how to live.

Lianny Hendranata, author of Releasing Yourself from Cancer to Healthy Aura Road, argued that no one can heal other than yourself. Recovery package that includes motivation, imagination, and perseverance. Also accompanied by a strong supporting factors, namely the affection of those around.

Here is a practical motivation, imagination, and perseverance to overcome illness and achieve success Lianny live by.
Why do we have a body? We are alive to feel and express themselves. Negative feelings that can not be expressed in terms of physical look, a variety of diseases, ranging from common cold to cancer.

Illness teaches us about the balance and change, how our lives have no balance. Also informed that the changes we need to make, change mindset in order to recover the balance. The disease is a learning experience. Mean disease teaches us how to live.

Lianny Hendranata, author of Releasing Yourself from Cancer to Healthy Aura Road, argued that no one can heal other than yourself. Recovery package that includes motivation, imagination, and perseverance. Also accompanied by a strong supporting factors, namely the affection of those around.

Here is a practical motivation, imagination, and perseverance to overcome illness and achieve success Lianny live by.

1. Sitting or lying in a comfortable place.
Make it as comfortable as possible. Turn off the HP and telephone table. Relax and open your belt, so watch you more relaxed and ready to relax.

2. Take a deep breath with a relaxed long.
Pull the shoulders up as he took a deep breath, then breathe out slowly, lowering the shoulder. Relax every muscle. Do it 3-8 times to relax the body.

3. Place your palms on your lap when sitting.
Put your head in the right shoulder, then gently move to the left shoulder and hold for a moment. Do this until you feel the pull of the muscles in the shoulders and neck. Do it until the count of 8 times.

4. Relax your mind by looking at focusing on one point straight to the view.
Breathe normally and relax. Do not force the breath. Once the mind feels relaxed and glazed eyes because the eye began to dipejamkan, close your eyes while meniatkan in mind, "I went in a relaxed state of peace and comfort created to be enjoyed. I make the whole body comfort and relaxation when I end this with open eyes, fresh and happy feeling will fill my soul. "

5. Open your eyes and regangkanlah body.
This is so the muscles become more comfortable and ready to go back on the move.
The entire series of relaxation takes 10-15 minutes, but can be adapted to the needs and time owned. Relaxation relaxed and comfortable in situations that could support its implementation. Install music to smooth the way and cause a sense of comfort and peace as happy to listen.

Proportional to The Passion Body Maximum

According to the research that 30 percent of people overweight has a problem of sexual arousal, the quality of sexual intercourse, and orgasm. In fact, some of them had three sexual problems as well.

This was because most obese people have high cholesterol and insulin resistance. "Two things then this is inhibiting their sexual drive.

In men, according to experts, high cholesterol and insulin resistance makes blood vessels smaller arteries, including those contained in the male organ. This is what then makes the occurrence of impotence and erectile dysfunction.

The same thing happens to women. that the narrowing of blood vessels makes the clitoris which is the source of female sexual response have barriers. "This then makes the body fluids are not passionate and female organs was reduced, and finally made a sexual relationship can not be enjoyed.
The experts concluded that not only had an issue with which the experienced by obese people. Too much fat, your body will release chemicals short for sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This is a substance that paralyzed our sexual hormones. So, what can we do to restore the function of our sexual hormones?

The experts suggested that we should lose weight so that fat can accumulate eroded. In fact, by reducing body weight 5 kg of course, returning to normal sexual arousal. "This was evident when the doing of those obese people who managed to keep himself to stay healthy. Their sexual relations were re-qualified ..

For sport, experts recommend physical movements that are intended to lose weight and improve blood circulation in the genital area. "These movements will be very helpful.

Especially in women, sports movement should be focused on large muscles, such as thighs, buttocks and hips. Options sports ranging from yoga, brisk walking, or cycling.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Success India Nuclear Missile Testing

Bhubaneswar, India successfully tests nuclear-capable missiles two short distance from two offshore locations in the east of the country, Saturday (27/3/2010). India, which has tested nuclear weapons in 1998, has developed a series of nuclear and conventional missile systems as part of a program since 1983.

The first tests carried out on Dhanush, which has a range of 350 kilometers and is fired from a naval ship off the coast of Bay of Bengal, the state of Orissa. The second missile was Prithvi (Earth)-II, launched from the Chandipur-on a test of integrated cross-sea, 200 kilometers northeast of Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orissa.

"Two trials were successful and met all the mission objectives," said SP Dash, director of the integrated test, told AFP. Dhanush, which means bow in Hindi, is a variant of surface-to-ground missile Prithvi, which was developed for the Indian navy. Both variants were able to carry nuclear warheads and conventional. Prithvi II missile is 8.5 meters in length has a range of 150-350 kilometers and can carry a ton of weight. 

Last month, India announced in this year will test a nuclear-capable missile with a range of more than 5,000 kilometers. India has developed a series of weapons systems that can reach potential targets in neighboring Pakistan and China. Nuclear-capable missile with India's longest range at the moment, the Agni-III which can reach a maximum distance of 3500 kilometers.

Pakistan also has nuclear weapons, and has three times fought with India since the separation and independence of the two countries six decades ago, has said that the development of India's missile could trigger a new arms race in the region.

University of Buckingham, Campus Private Number One in the UK?

This is the only private university who was elected British educational institutions the number 1 on the 2006 version of the National Student Survey which was initiated by the Government's Higher Education and Funding Council of England (HEFCE).

Currently, there are 11,000 students studying here in the middle of Information Technology as an excellent field of study. Interestingly, Buckingham town surrounded by many historical buildings, one building Old Gaol which is now converted into a local museum. Or, the Silverstone Race Circuit as "The home of British Formula One", which is always busy throughout the year. Interesting profile of this campus can be seen in

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Should Muslims in Action To Jerusalem

Iran, attacked the plan to build Israeli settlements in the occupied area of the country's Jews in east Jerusalem, and said that all Muslims in the world must act.
Announcement made by the Israeli government the right care about new construction projects in east Jerusalem - occupied by the Jewish state in the 1967 war - has destroyed the U.S. plan to restore Israel and the Palestinians to the negotiating table for peace.

"The expansion of Israeli settlement construction, the destruction of Islamic and Christian sites as well as large-scale development of the synagogue ... indicate a plan to accelerate Yahudinisasi Zionist state in east Jerusalem, and unfortunately it is approved by American officials," said Iranian Foreign Minister Manoucher Mottaki in a commentary on Iranian radio.

"This has increased awareness for all people in the world and double the purposes of Muslims and the countries to be serious," he added. He said that 22 Arab League countries should take a hard stance in a meeting in Libya this weekend.

Iran's dispute with the United States and its allies, including Arab states, the nuclear energy program, the worry will be used by Tehran to develop nuclear weapons. Iran says that he has no such intention.

Israel has said it considers a nuclear Iran as a threat and analysts said Israel itself, which has nuclear weapons, can make an attack on Iran.

Iran, the main producer of gas and oil, his country considered as the main supporter of the Palestinians among the Muslim countries.

Gathering Dyke & Gay Invaded, Guest Hotel Fear

The atmosphere was still tense at the Hotel Oval. The residents claimed the hotel after a group of people fear that the Congress fail to lesbian, gay and biseks in the hotel. The visitors did not dare go out for fear of being mistaken for participants ILGA.

"I felt disturbed. It was not comfortable anymore. Want to go out do not dare because of strict examination," said Dina Yunita one hotel guest who was following the Workshop Water Supply, Sanitation Community Based Health Ministry held to, Friday ( 26/3/2010).
Dina reveals to avoid the accusation as participants ILGA him carrying a bag that reads Pamsimas workshop. "We have the above workshop. We do not concentrate on following the workshop because shouts came from our meeting room," he said.

Likewise It said other hotel guests who named Fritje Linggar. "We are also afraid of such movement. I think there was a bomb," said women from Monokwari, Papua.

viewed in the field, the mass of the more FUI. Some are in hotels and some are outside the hotel. They remained in stages until the ILGA conference participants left the site.

ILGA plan Congress was held in Surabaya on 26-28 March at the Hotel Mercure. But because of the refusal of the organization, the event was postponed until the time limit was specified. The police alone can not give permission for the organization. But it is still going on the show and packed in gatherings.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Protected From Disease Forgotten by Many of Reading

Reading is an activity that brings many benefits for the reading of our knowledge will increase. Whether it is knowledge related to science or just news or information. In addition, according to experts with a lot of reading, we are released from the brain disease. Researchers proved that by reading a book someone will be spared from the disease "Dementia". Dementia is a disease that damages the brain. When exposed to dementia, can be sure someone will be difficult to avoid from being forgotten. This happens because the reading can create a kind of buffer layer that protects the brain changes and change. 

Read new words can stimulate the brain, because the brain likes to challenge and new things. Reading is a challenging activity and always bring someone to enter new territory.

Recognized or not, a lot of smart and intelligent people because of diligent reading. Reading also can make people more mature. Adults here means having a mindset that no longer childish. By reading, one can look at every problem of life not as a burden, but the challenges that must be resolved. Problems in life are seen not only from one side, but from different sides. People who look at problems from different sides of life is usually more prudent to live a life.

One doctor from a state writing 10 benefit reading:

1. When busy reading, someone blocked entry into stupidity
2. The habit of reading to people too busy to connect with the people lazy and do not want to work
3. With frequent reading, one can develop flexibility and fluency in spoken
4. Reading helps develop thinking and clear thinking
5. Reading increases a person's knowledge and improve understanding of memory in
6. By reading a person can often benefit from the experience of others, such as copying the wisdom of the wise and the intelligence of the scholars
7. With a lot of reading, one can develop his abilities, both to receive and process knowledge as well as to study the various disciplines and their applications in life
8. Will increase one's beliefs when he read the books useful
9. Reading helps a person to refresh his mind from the hassle and save time so as not in vain, with frequent reading, one can master a lot of words and sentences to learn the various models
10. Furthermore, it can increase its ability to absorb concepts and to understand what is written on the line by line (to understand what is implied).

Of several explanations above, we can draw the conclusion that the habit of always reading will bring huge benefits. Not only for ourselves, but also for other people but we want to share knowledge with them.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

9 Tips To Sleep Better

"Sleep is very beneficial for mental and physical health," The cells of our bodies need rest to function optimally

but most of the millions of people suffering from insomnia, so tired, have a weak mentally, and physically weak. To enjoy sound sleep, follow these tips:
1. Do not be too full for dinner
under the dinner at 19.00, so you do not sleep in a full stomach.

2. Reduce mental activity after 20:30 o'clock

3. Turn off the lights start at 22:30
If not used to sleeping at this hour, promote sleep half an hour earlier each week until you used to sleepat 22:30

4. Hot bath an hour before bed
Put lavender essential oil, vanilla, or sandalwood in the water bath to make you more relaxed. Remove the light and aroma therapy pairs. If possible, listen to soft music and soothing.

5. Drinking warm water
Could be milk or chamomile tea.

6. Diary
Just before bed, input your thoughts are so active in the diary, so that your head is not too full again.

7. Read books
Do not select a novel or a dramatic reading that requires thinking. Choose books that inspire.

8. Feel your body
When he was lying in bed, close your eyes and feel your body. That way, you bring attention to the body. If there is tension in certain body parts, take relaxing area.

9. Note breath until asleep
These actions can help, remember you are still lying in bed. Quietly observe breath. At that metabolic activity in a state of slow, just like when we sleep soundly.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Five How to Prevent Breast Cancer Powerful

World Women and the health of the world is not much different, especially talking about the disease in women suffering. Speaking of health is not inexhaustible, therefore it is necessary in CHECK from the early, for example Breast Cancer. There are 5 How Powerful Prevent Breast Cancer.

1. Sports 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Sport can make the heart work above the resting level could strengthen the heart muscle and blood circulation to the cell so that it can improve cardiac performance and reduced impact on cancer risk. 

2. Avoid drinks with alcohol. Consumption of alcohol is believed to increase risk of esophageal cancer, many experts recommend to reduce alcohol for those at high risk of breast cancer. 

3. Maintain the condition. The results of research conducted by the researchers showed that excess weight is especially monopouse have a higher susceptibility to breast cancer than having an ideal body.

4. Perform self-breast examination every month Open all dressed up, and compare the size of the left and right breast, breast normal left and right are not 100% Symmetrical, but the difference in the size of breast cancer was very striking. gently massage the breast and surrounding area, if there is an abnormal lump and sometimes a pain immediately contact your doctor to make sure.

5. Perform yearly mammogram after age above 40 years. Treating cancer early greatly increases the risk of breast recovery, the women over 40 years or who have highly recommended to monopouse mammogram once a year.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Coffee Reduce Cancer Risk Uterus

Coffee, dark brown liquid was found to have concentrated significant benefits for mothers womb cancer.

Coffee efficacy are well known lots of people lots of research scientists, the most recent research in the State shows that coffee appears to reduce the risk of uterine cancer.

In the research scientists found, women who drank more than three cups of coffee daily the risk of uterine cancer will be reduced 60 percent.

"Coffee has the effect of reducing the levels of insulin. Possibility CAN reduce the risk of the uterus or womb cancer, "according to the study.

According to the Institute of Disease Control in a big country, cervical cancer is a disease most commonly four women suffer around the world.

The study was conducted on 54 thousand women committed during 15 years. Age of the women over 40 to 60 years.

Scientists at the National Cancer Center divided the women into four parts, of the amount of coffee they drank.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fit Tips for Employee Office

Activities are hard done by office workers is to exercise, usually a single activity is often forgotten because of the rush and lack of time but was reluctant because it is considered synonymous with fatigue, fear of injury or sweat.

If we are very busy and have not considered sufficient time to exercise, think again. Many ways to exercise if we busy, moderate exercise such as roads, jogging, cycling or swimming 3 times a week with time at least 30 minutes will provide benefits to fitness, try to get around the time. we have to work out the way:
Set Establishment
For health and fitness not only to themselves but also to all keluarga.Buat a commitment yourself to do physical activity, as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Define Objectives
Determine short-term goals and long-term, short-term goal can be started by adding a few minutes of exercise we have done. While goal can be a long-term outcomes to be achieved such as weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels and maintain blood sugar levels or blood pressure.

Routine Activity Plan has
try for sporting activities conducted in accordance with the office routine, and remember not to become lazy to exercise just because of missed one-time schedule prescribed exercise.

Be Realistic
Do not do sports that you do not like or that can make you feel uncomfortable. Choose sports that favor, which will make us eager to do so.

Exercise With Friends
Invite co-workers to exercise regularly, because in addition to better strengthen relationships and also will encourage the spirit and togetherness.
Happy Exercising ... ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Red Pomegranate Fruit, Exotic Fruits Helpful Drugs

Pomegranate crop in our area call Punica granatum L. (in English pomegranate) is a bush plant that can reach 6 feet tall. Stems have many branches and thorns. Red or white flowers. There is also a purple black. These flowers emerge from the armpit leaves and developed into an exotic fruit that hang from tree branches. Form of fruit such as apples, with a crown of calyx or become his trademark. Red flowering pomegranate pomegranate will produce red meat. The fruit of white flowers, white flesh; if the purple flowers flesh would be purple.

At the ripe fruit hidden hundreds of seeds covered with white translucent pulp that is red, white or purple according to type. This pulp contains a lot of water, a sweet-sour taste to sweet-fresh. In the Middle East and India pomegranate seeds are often sprinkled over dishes as a garnish (food decoration).

Taken from Persian
Pomegranates are native Persian and Himalayan regions in South India. According to the story, called pharaoh Tuthmosis took him to Egypt in 1500 BC from Asia. Then spread to Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. These plants can be up to other countries because the traders brought from Persia in the year 1416. For centuries pomegranates used as a symbol of fertility in many religions and cultures.
Most people know the pomegranate as an attractive form of fruit, so often presented in the table to be eaten fresh, without regard to its benefits. according to experts ripe fruit contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Vitamin C (11 mg/100g) and acid malate (malic acid) was higher than that of apples, pears or bananas. Malate acid is useful to facilitate the metabolism of carbohydrates.

More special pomegranate, almost all parts of the plant can be used for treatment. Besides the fruit, which is also a lot of drugs were made as part of the fruit skin, bark, and roots. Also, pomegranate seeds, leaves and flowers have been used as medicine by the various nations and cultures for various purposes.
According to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, pomegranate seeds that have anti-inflammatory properties as anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to cope with arthritis. Pomegranate flowers are used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums. And for those who have problems with obesity (obesity), part of this plant can be used as an alternative to overcome. Once the skin is also the root of merit can be used to treat diarrhea, recurrent fever, discharge, and the problem of sweat that too much. Sore throat can be treated by rinsing with water boiled pomegranate root bark.

The experts, pomegranate fame is as a sovereign remedy to treat various digestive disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery. This is because the high tannin content and has efficacy astringen, shrink the mucous membranes of the intestine so that less discharge diarrhea. While at its root alkaloids pelletierine helps remove tapeworms and roundworms from the intestines.

Benefits of pomegranate as a remedy is not based on the experience of traditional medicine. Several scientific studies have proven the benefits of this plant. Research shows that the extract contained in the skin of the pomegranate is a compound that can fight bacteria that cause diarrhea. Other studies indicate that compounds contained in pomegranates can block the root Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amoebic dysentery. While the known compounds capable of fighting not only tapeworm tannins, but also two alkaloida Piperidine compounds present in pomegranate bark, which is pelletierine and pseudopelletierine.

Recent studies reported that pomegranate can be used as an anti-diabetic medication or diabetes mellitus. Pomegranate juice has been fermented and oil derived from pomegranate seeds are also known as an antioxidant active and equivalent to green tea.

visit if you want to put your wishes in a written

Monday, February 15, 2010


Carrots or in terms of Daucus Carota is the second most popular vegetable in the world after the potato, but has the content of high vitamin A, carrots are also efficacious cure some types of diseases.

The results of research experts from major countries to find a compound that can reduce the risk of cancer development in carrot, and concluded that the bulbs are growing roots both mountain area with an altitude of about 1200 above sea level contain the natural pesticide component called falcarinol (C17h240).

From the results of research and pilot testing by the researchers obtained the conclusion that falcarinol can reduce the risk of cancer to one-third perkembangn than usual.

The conclusion was made because after 18 weeks of a given object or the command to eat carrots, the development of tumor-third lower if compared with other objects that do not eat carrots.
Falcarinol content in carrots is not a dangerous chemical compounds and in particular the number of mechanisms have the ability to stimulate the body to fight cancer.

So far, researchers know that a carrot is a food that is good for health and can reduce the risk of cancer but we do not know which element has a particular effect.

After discovering the existence and influence on the development of cancer falcarinol, the scientists will conduct further research to determine the appropriate quantity falcarinol to reduce the risk of cancer development optimally.

But because the study used raw carrots, researchers have not been able to recommend whether to consume cooked carrots and carrot juice will also give the same effect.

The experts recommend that consumers eat a small carrot with various vegetables and fruits every day. To reduce the risk of cancer and other serious diseases is suggested that people mengkonsumisi least five servings of vegetables and fruits is different every day as part of a healthy diet and balanced.

Utilization of various natural foodstuffs in the treatment was done long ago and not a few who succeed, so there's a saying "LET FOOD DRUG BECOMING TO YOU".

Monday, January 25, 2010


In addition to vegetable protein rich, delicious, easily digestible and healthful potential, it also contains soy isoflavones.

Almost everyone knows, soy beans are high protein. However, many people did not know that soy isoflavones are the main source, which has proved a number of benefits to the body.

One was to ensure long-lasting healthy skin by maintaining skin elasticity, making it look younger.
beauticians and anti-aging, says that isoflavones can maintain hormone balance and function as antioxidants, which affects the increase in skin moisture.

"The impact of soy consumption decreases wrinkles in the skin. Similar to the results of hormone therapy to ensure healthy skin and reduce premature aging, characterized by the preservation of resilience or elasticity of the skin.

Chemical structure of isoflavones and estrogen were almost the same. No wonder, isoflavones often called hormone replacement estrogen or phytoestrogens naturally.
"In isoflavone content of soy effectively absorbed by the human body. Are oestrogenic isoflavones, estrogen hormone benefit increases. Thus, soy consumption is beneficial for those who are late or have experienced menopause.

In contrast, for patients with breast cancer or uterine cancer that excess estrogen, isoflavones have antiestrogenik nature. This means, to help block the estrogen in order to move down.
With these features, for women who want a healthy and stay young if no one suggested to increase the consumption of soy and its derivatives such as milk and flour.

Efficacy of soy isoflavones has been proven through many scientific studies. Researchers from Japan involving 26 women aged 30-40 years. Revealed that consumption of isoflavones for three months could not resist the condition becomes severe wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

Overall the experts concluded, the benefits of isoflavones is not merely to reduce wrinkles on the skin and stimulate collagen formation, but also has many benefits, including:
1. Improve fat metabolism, as well as weight control.
2. At the time of menopause, the hormone estrogen decrease and no longer in the body production.
Thus, often have problems such as sleeplessness and skin wrinkles. Similarities nature of isoflavones with estrogen hormone makes this substance so powerful and able to inhibit the rate of premature aging.
3. Helps prevent Osteoporosis
4. Help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and may reduce heart disease risk,

Through research conducted and Drug Administration Food renowned country riding. The study showed that eating 4 servings of soy foods per day, levels of LDL in the blood can be reduced by 10%, which means it can reduce heart disease risk by 20%

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chocolate for Health Benefits

Chocolate that contains cocoa (cocoa beans) more than 70% also have benefits for health, because chocolate is rich in antioxidant content of phenols and flavonoids. With antioxidants, will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of this antioxidant content even 3 times more than green tea, beverages have often regarded as a source of antioxidants.

With antioxidants, making chocolate into a health drink. Phenol, as an antioxidant capable of reducing cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack are also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood. In addition to the brown fat content of high quality free cholesterol and clog arteries.

Chocolate also contains some vitamins which are beneficial to the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients that are essential to the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa itself is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person magnesium deficiency, can cause hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems of women monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.

Brown to Blonde Passion Sex and Love
The reason why many people give chocolate to someone dear is that chocolate is often considered a food of love. This is because chocolate has a soft texture and will melt slowly in your mouth when dikulum. This gives the impression sensual for those who eat them. In addition, the effects of chocolate can provide a comfortable, relaxed and can increase sexual arousal.

Posed comfort after enjoying chocolate is not just feeling it, because chocolate contains a substance that enables hundreds of chemical reactions in the brain. These substances that stimulate active serotonin in the brain which in turn will trigger a feeling of comfort. In addition, most substances contained in chocolate is theobromine which can stimulate the nerves and heart tissue that makes us awake and excited. This effect can also be obtained from the caffeine in coffee or tea. Another benefit of theobromine was able to relieve cough.

Also contains Phenylethylamine which helps the absorption of the brain and produce dopamine which will lead to feelings of joy, increased interest and can lead to feelings of falling in love. That's another reason why chocolate is often given as a gift of love.

Most Healthy Chocolate Types

Many types of chocolate are available in the market. There's the expensive, some are cheap. What are the differences? Here is a comparison of brown and benefits of each.
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate contain cocoa beans (cocoa) is highest for at least 70% containing cocoa. Dark chocolate has a cocoa content of chocolate and nut
White Chocolate

While white chocolate has only 33% contain chocolate or cocoa, the rest is sugar, milk and vanilla. This sugar content which can give negative effects, such as tooth decay and diabetes.

Chocolate Milk or Chocolate Milk
Milk chocolate or milk chocolate is cocoa mixed with milk and sugar added. This type of chocolate is also very popular because it tastes delicious.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Benefits of Aloe Vera Create Beauty

Aloe vera plants form may be simple and not interesting. But it turns out Aloe vera has many benefits, both for beauty and health. There are more than 200 types of aloe vera plant (aloe vera), but only five species are considered to have benefits for health or for beauty products, namely Aloe Barbadensis Miller, Aloe Perryi Baker, Aloe ferox, Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Saponaria.

The older the plant aloe vera benefits for nutrition and medication. Aloe vera gel is often used to treat scratches, cut, insect bites and rashes. Aloe vera benefits to health actually been known since ancient times. According to historical records indicate the use of aloe vera for treatment of materials has been used since 1500 BC. Aloe vera is also thought to be a secret ingredient Cloepatra beauty and is mentioned in al book several times.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice Drink

Healing and exceptional treatment of the plant are also useful for beauty. Drinking two to four ounces, or even 1 / 2 cup aloe vera juice every day will make your skin look clean and improve skin quality.

Aloe vera can enrich the stock of building materials to produce and improve skin health. Our skin naturally repairing itself in every 21 to 28 days. Nutrients contained forming aloe vera can be used by our skin against the effects of aging.

Helpful Aloe Vera And Acne Treatment For Oily Skin

Throughout the day our skin is exposed to pollution, dirt and other elements of the environment. If you have a problem with acne or oily skin is very important to clean your face after leaving the house. And Aloe vera can be a good choice for skin care. Various disturbing content floating in the air against the skin is usually oily and can cause stains that aggravate skin problems. Ph on Aloe vera skin to restore balance and cleanse the stained skin. You can wash the aloe vera used in the spread of this face with clean water.

Aloe vera for oily skin care can also be used as face masks. Here's the recipe:

* 1 tablespoon of the mud mask
* 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
* 1 tablespoon flour hazel
* enough water to make these materials so pasta
* Add 1 drop of essential tea tree oil
* 1 drop of lavender essential oil
* 1 drop of peppermint essential oil

Combine all ingredients, apply and aged for 15 minutes and wash with warm water and then splash cold water.

If you want a natural way of skin care with aloe vera for oily skin or skin stained overcome, Aloe juice mixed with water costs plus a soothing essential oil and use to mist throughout the day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Water Secret For Heart Health

Want to lower your risk of heart disease? Just drink water, Perhaps the phrase is spelled out very simple, but that the results of a study conducted researchers.

The research suggests people who drink at least five glasses of water a day less frequently died from a heart attack compared with people who drink water less than two glasses per day.
Conversely people who drink other than water are at risk died of a heart attack compared to drinking less.
This analysis is based on a study involving 12,017 men and 8280 women aged 38 years. Six-year study of the 264 respondents died of a heart attack.

The results of studies on this issue mentions the risk of heart attack at the respondents who drank more than a glass a day reduced to 41%. While the risk of the condition in men who consumed other beverages including tea, coffee, juice, milk and alcohol remains a high risk of heart attacks.

Know that in drinking water which will be absorbed into the bloodstream, it can reduce the thickness of the blood vessels, so the risk of heart attack blood clots in the trigger would be reduced.

Conversely other beverages will thicken the blood vessels, because after the digestion of this material will contain the same concentration of blood. different case with medicine and alkhol that can reduce the risk of heart attack but in accompanied by other health problems, while water relatively cheap, easily obtained and not dangerous.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Efficacy Of Green Tea And Cancer

Most women have heard the benefits of green tea for breast health. However, perhaps some still doubt the truth. Now the question has been answered. Compounds contained in green tea can protect it from attack breast cancer.
Green tea was a lot of health benefits for the body, other than as a laxative as well as can be strong medicine ...??!! It was revealed from the initial studies conducted by several researchers United States.
In these experiments, they gave the green tea seduhan to some rats, while others just get plain water.

Apparently, mice that drank green tea benefits is Encouraging. Breast tumor size grew smaller and was less than keganasannya mice that drank only plain water. In addition, the tumor mice who drank tea and then grow more slowly and no longer attack the healthy cells.

Of course, these findings further reinforce the notion that tea is very beneficial for breast health of women. Because, as observed so far in the countries that consume green tea diligently every day, female breast cancer rate is very low. For them, tea is considered as one of healthy foods.

In addition, the main researcher, Dr. Gail Sonenshein, even saying that the tea had no adverse side effects. Therefore, people should not be afraid to consume three to five cups of tea per day. There is no problem if people diligently green tea as a preventive step.

Professor of biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine was added, especially green tea may prevent breast cancer caused by environmental factors. However, he recommends that patients who are Undergoing radiation or chemotherapy of breast cancer should consult with a doctor before he tried to drink lots of tea.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry in July 2001 edition, the content of polyphenol compounds are very much in the tea acts as a protection against cancer. Polyphenols belong to a very powerful antioxidant. These compounds will neutralize free Radicals which cause cancer.

Own free radical is formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. One suspects that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.

According to these studies, green tea leaves that have been dried consists of 40% polyphenols. In addition to combat breast cancer, these substances are also believed to reduce the risk of gastric cancer, lung, colon, rectum, liver, and pancreas.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Body fat, healthy and prosperous sign,
but if too fat to be a place or warehouse disease. to overcome the easy way.

take 2 young pomegranate leaves., wash and mash until smooth, mix and add 3 cups of warm water mixed with a little salt and then squeeze and strain. drink 2 or 3 times a day as much as 1 / 2 cup. do on a regular basis to obtain a satisfactory result. good luck.
various sources.

10 minutes to live healthy

For hours we spend time to all daily routines. Starting from work, exercising or even just to chat with relatives. But have you ever spend some time at least 10 minutes to live healthy?

Wherever you are in any condition you never forget to drink water. At least you will need 6 cups a day. Remember, tea and coffee can make you dehydrated. If you look wistful or not fresh in the morning that your sign of dehydration.

Tomatoes in all a very good preparation for the anti-oxidants. Tomatoes can help you fight cancer. If you do not like raw tomatoes, tomato sauce or paste has the same effect healthy.

Do not miss your breakfast. Breakfast and start your day with a healthy start. No need of food heavy. Quite a fast-food and healthy as yogurt, bread fruit, too.

Wash your hands:
Some many viruses move through your hands. The elevator button, the telephone, computers and much more. As often as possible away from the virus by hand washing. Do not forget to also wash their hands after the toilet.

Brush your teeth:
Minimal brush your teeth 2 times a day. This can prevent dental disease. Make this a habit.

Drink multivitamin:
Occasionally you may use a multivitamin. But of course the result was compared to the maximum extent you consume fresh fruits.

Try not to smoke:
Much pleasure in itself which can be from cigarettes. but think about your health carefully. leave cigarettes could have a big impact on your health.

with good driving and seat belts:
motorcycle accident is still a high figure. Do not forget the seat belt. guard your safety while driving on the road. seat belt should be a habit.

choose the steps:
as an exercise, choose the stairs instead, use the elevator. if you are using 22 floors up the stairs to 3 or 4 floors.

Breathe in deeply:
do this regularly and you can reduce stress levels. otherwise your body will be refreshed with a more oxygen.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prima Appear Throughout The Day

we work all day, often not even start in the morning until evening and sometimes our holiday to stay at work. no need to worry
, because our bodies are designed perfectly by God to work, building a world best for the welfare of us and future generations.

and the mood is always up and down physically. , even so, working a full day with heart and physically fit is always fun. while, working with the mind with the body that do not fit very unpleasant.
The following are some tips you can try to find the soul body fitness throughout the day:

  1. opened the day with a sheet of positive thinking
  2. do moderate exercise
  3. do not forget breakfast with sufficiently
  4. manage your day events as well as possible
  5. stamina guard
  6. adequate rest
  7. find joy in every situation
  8. finish work in the office of office
  9. ends meet your sleep needs
  10. and the last is to pray and give thanks

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Benefits of Green Bean

Green beans, or Phaseolus Aureus derived from Leguminoseae aka Family legumes. High protein and a source of important minerals, among others; calcium and phosphorus is needed body. While fat is an unsaturated fatty acid, thus safe for consumption by people who have overweight problem.
High Protein

Green beans contain high protein, as much as 24%. In the menu of everyday society, nuts are an alternative source of vegetable protein best. Traditionally, pregnant mothers are often advised to eat green beans born babies have thick hair. Growth of body cells including hair cells requires good nutrition, especially protein, and because the green beans are rich in protein, so the desire to have a thick-haired baby will be realized.

Calcium and Phosphorus

Calcium and phosphorus in green beans useful for strengthening bones.

Low fat

Very good for people who want to avoid high fat consumption. Low fat levels in the green beans causing food or drinks made from green beans are not easily rancid. Fat green bean is composed of 73% unsaturated fatty acids and 27% saturated fatty acids. Generally nuts do contain a high unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat intake is important for maintaining high cardiac health.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

For growth. Vitamin B1 was originally known as the anti-beri-beri. Further demonstrated that vitamin B1 is also useful to help the process of growth. Vitamin B1 deficiency can disrupt the digestive process and subsequent food can be bad for growth. By increasing the intake of foods that contain lots of vitamins B1, such as green beans, pertumbuhanpun resistance can be improved.

- Increase Appetite And Improve Gastrointestinal

Indirectly this role is related to the effect of improving the growth of the body. The study revealed that vitamin B1 deficiency caused gastric emptying time and intestinal two times slower to indicate the difficulty of digesting food happens that these foods may not be absorbed properly.

- Source of Energy

Vitamin B1 is part of the coenzyme plays an important role in the oxidation of carbohydrates to convert into energy. Without the presence of vitamin B1 body will have difficulty in breaking the carbs.

- Maximizing Work Neurology

The first signs of a deficiency of vitamin B1 is the decline in neural work. Disrupted neural activity due to oxidation of carbohydrates inhibited. Research on a group of people who lack sufficient food containing vitamin B1 in a short time the symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate and less enthusiastic. This is similar to the signs of stress.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

- Helping Protein Absorption Inside the Body

One theory is that vitamin B2 may help the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.

Not inferior to the beans, kecambahnya also have benefits such as:

- Antioxidants are contained in it can help slow the aging process and prevent the spread of cancer cells.
- Vitamin E content of his help increase fertility.
- Very good to keep the acidity of the stomach and facilitate digestion because it is alkaline (basic).
- For the beauty, which helps rejuvenate and refine the skin, remove black stains on the face, cure acne, nourish hair and body slimming.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Eliminate Snoring sleeping habits

Snoring sleep habits is a very serious problem because it can interfere with other people or our partners, each person must have this habit.

To eliminate snoring habit, prepared 2 tablespoons real honey and turmeric 2 small pieces that have been in the grate. Squeeze the water and drink regularly during the week your snoring habits undoubtedly will berangsurhilang. Various sources.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, Maag, Diarrhea (abdominal pain), Cold, Beser; Prolapsisani, Sprue, Skin Hospital, a new wound;


1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: 1 piece of half-ripe guava
Method: guava fruit is split into four parts and
boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered to
water taken.
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

2. Maag
Ingredients: 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh.
Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening.

3. Abdominal pain (diarrhea and diarrhea)
Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaf, 1 piece of root, bark and stem
Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and then
water is filtered to be taken
How to use: drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.

4. Stomach pain or diarrhea in infants who are breast-feeding
Ingredients: guava young and salt to taste.
How to use: chewed by mothers who are breastfeeding,
the water is swallowed and the pulp removed.

5. Masuk Angin
Ingredients: 10 pieces of guava leaves the young, 1 point chili
red, 3 eye fruit acids, 1 slice of coconut sugar, salt to taste
Method: boil all these ingredients together with 1 liter
water to boiling and then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 2 times a day.

6. Beser (frequent urination) excessive
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves the young, 3 tablespoons of powdered
fried rice with no oil (couple = Java).
How to make: the ingredients are boiled together with 2.5
glass of water to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
How to use: drink every 3 hours 3 tablespoons.

7. Prolapsisani
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 slice of guava bark.
How to make: braised together with 2 cups water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: water mixture is still warm in a state of
used to compress the axis of the intestine mucous membrane (navel) in

8. Sprue
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 slice of guava bark.
How to make: braised together with 2 cups water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 2 times a day.

9. Skin Pain
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves the young, bud 7
How to make: mashed together until smooth
How to use: to rub the sore skin.

10. Drug new wounds
Ingredients: 3 guava leaf.
How to make: chew until smooth
How to use: placed on the injured body part to
mengelurkan not blood continuously.

CHEMICAL CONTENT : Fruit, leaves and tree bark contains tannins guava, was in a lot of interest not contain tannins. Guava leaves also contain substances other than tannins, such as essential oils, acid ursolat, psidiolat acid, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids and vitamins. Content of guava fruit (100 gr) - Calories 49 cal - Vitamin A 25 SI - 0.02 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 87 mg - 14 mg Calcium - 12.2 grams of carbohydrate - 28 mg Phosphorus - 1.1 mg Iron - Protein 0.9 mg - 0.3 grams Fat - 86 grams Water