
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

9 Tips To Sleep Better

"Sleep is very beneficial for mental and physical health," The cells of our bodies need rest to function optimally

but most of the millions of people suffering from insomnia, so tired, have a weak mentally, and physically weak. To enjoy sound sleep, follow these tips:
1. Do not be too full for dinner
under the dinner at 19.00, so you do not sleep in a full stomach.

2. Reduce mental activity after 20:30 o'clock

3. Turn off the lights start at 22:30
If not used to sleeping at this hour, promote sleep half an hour earlier each week until you used to sleepat 22:30

4. Hot bath an hour before bed
Put lavender essential oil, vanilla, or sandalwood in the water bath to make you more relaxed. Remove the light and aroma therapy pairs. If possible, listen to soft music and soothing.

5. Drinking warm water
Could be milk or chamomile tea.

6. Diary
Just before bed, input your thoughts are so active in the diary, so that your head is not too full again.

7. Read books
Do not select a novel or a dramatic reading that requires thinking. Choose books that inspire.

8. Feel your body
When he was lying in bed, close your eyes and feel your body. That way, you bring attention to the body. If there is tension in certain body parts, take relaxing area.

9. Note breath until asleep
These actions can help, remember you are still lying in bed. Quietly observe breath. At that metabolic activity in a state of slow, just like when we sleep soundly.

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